Saturday, January 12, 2013

Using the Google Spreadsheets

In order for the data to be sorted, I've had to create two Google spreadsheets. The one labeled "Enter New Tea Reviews" cannot be sorted (or, at least, I haven't figured out how yet), so we'll put new tea reviews in there. All reviews entered into the blog-post form will automatically be entered into that sheet. The "Browse Tea Reviews" can be sorted for easier browsing of what's already been reviewed.

To find the spreadsheets:

This is if you are logged in to Google. I'm not certain if it's different if you don't have a Google account.
"One of These" means "My Drive", "Shared with me", or "More"

To sort data:

Circled section reads:
Sort sheet by column B, A->Z
Sort sheet by column B, Z->A

To copy/paste data from the "Enter Tea Reviews Here" spreadsheet onto the "Browse Teas" sheet:

Begin on "Enter New Tea Reviews Here" spreadsheet.

This process only works if you have standard PC keyboard shortcuts.

You may also use the form to enter new data, and copy/pasting it on to the "Browse Tea Reviews" is entirely optional. I will do so on a regular basis, probably once a week or so.

For those who would like to work directly with the spreadsheets:
Feel free to add teas that you already own and would like to review to the "Tea Name" and "Type of Tea" sections without reviewing them immediately. Assume that any tea entered into the spreadsheet is owned by at least one other person. This will help tea reviewers find a reviewing partner without reviewing every tea they own (efficiency!). If someone reviews a tea that you have posted but not yet reviewed, please review the tea yourself at the next convenient opportunity (unless someone else beats you to it ;) . If  the tea is particular to a certain place (such as Teavana teas), also fill in the "Where You Got It" column. For brand-name teas, please include the brand name as part of the tea name (such as Celestial Seasonings: Sleepytime).

Let me know if you have any questions, or if you figure out any new tricks!

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